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  • Writer's pictureHolly

Farm Day 1/31

When I have computer work to do that doesn't require all of my attention, I'll play a TV show in the background. Mostly they are pretty trashy choices (I see you Top Model). But - I'm now listening to/watching Victorian Farm on Amazon. Not trashy. It may be too interesting, though, because I keep finding myself fixated on their horse plow or coal range or crumbling plaster. They are doing such cool things. It does look like hard work, for sure. Loving it. Also, I'm going to hug my ATV tomorrow in appreciation.

On our non-Victorian farm, we has a low key Sunday morning. I fill all the feeders and waters to the brim on Friday so that Saturday chores are minimal. That also means that Sunday is a little more work than average. The good part is that I have no other place to be, so I take my time, giving pigs back scratches, repairing fences and spreading hay. These guys got new pasture yesterday. Not a lot growing right now but it moves them from a muddy spot. Please check out the lazy pig who couldn't be bothered to stand up while grazing today.

This is a bit of a cheat because I took it yesterday but didn't have a spot for it then. This is Ladybird, suggesting that it is, in fact, dinnertime. The sunsets have been amazing lately, on the non-cloudy days. Ladybird is Eleanor's sister and is a little grumpier. She had a litter of 8 beautiful piglets last time, all boys. She surprised me with the litter; I thought she had another couple weeks when - surprise! - little guys tottering around in the field. Impromptu shelter built around them and all was well. But, this time, we're planning on getting her in the barn early. She's due 2 weeks after Maybelline so we're going to have a bit of a piglet traffic jam in the farrowing area. We call it the farea for short. Farrowing is the process of pigs giving birth, FYI.

To make room for the new chicks this week, I moved the most recent hatch to a new brooder and moved the 5 week old chicks into the blue coop.

Anytime anybody moves, I clean up the new area, move the animals and then clean up where they were and so forth. We do a process called deep bedding where we compost the chicken droppings in the coops (where the chickens sleep) using leaves (I pick up bags and bags when I deliver eggs on Saturdays). We fill the coops with dry leaves regularly, throw a little chicken scratch (in the bottom of this bucket) in the bottom, and the chickens will stir everything up with their dinosaur feet, making fantastic compost for the gardens. Today I gathered eggs while I was throwing out chicken scratch. Thought it made a good picture in this stainless steel bucket.

Another week done here. Hope yours was as productive as it needed to be and that you had time to dream about spring on its way.

Best - HP

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