Remember yesterday when I said not a lot was going on? Well...I clearly jinxed the whole thing.
But first, it was a gorgeous sunset tonight. It lasted for ever too, so that dusk was totally pink.
And the pigs so rarely look pink but they did tonight in the sunset light.
This is Queen Mary in front. I love her. Not as much as Maybelline but close. She's super chill. That's her sister Elizabeth's booty in the background. Also a lovely girl.
Both girls are expecting piglets late March. They will be the first piglets from our young boar, Zeppelin.
The morning started off lovely. Annie the deer was especially attentive this morning. I took a little video of our girl.
Yes - the pigs are loud eaters. Yes - I am trying to get the deer to eat out of my hand. My favorite moment in the video? The middle bit where she is chewing just like a pig. Also, she has her own dish outside of the pig area but wants to be one of the gang.
Okay, here goes. I arrived this afternoon to feed everybody and found Eleanor making her nest in the barn. SOOOOO - pigs later tonight or tomorrow. She has moved all the hay from one side to the other. Last time she had piglets, she had them out in their open pen. At least she's decided inside is a better option this time. I'll go out before bed tonight to see what's going on and put up a heat lamp.
She stole all of Maybelline's hay so I've added some more in. I think Maybelline still has a few days (fingers crossed!) but we shall see.
And then I broke a chicken sleeping coop while I was moving it with the tractor. Not my best work. I did not photograph this incident. I think I'll take the opportunity to rework the coop so that maybe I don't have to move it with the tractor. So many learning curves.
The geese don't seem to be setting on the eggs so I collected them and I'm going to tuck them in an incubator. I've never hatched geese before so we'll see if it works. They appear to be a little more complicated than chickens. I'm following these guidelines. I'll keep you in the loop on this.
And the chicks have been shipped! Maybe tomorrow? cheep cheep cheep cheep....
More tomorrow, farm folks. Best, HP