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Writer's pictureHolly

Porch Swing Farm Day 2/21

Happy Sunday to you all! And it was sunny! So nice this morning to do chores without gloves. Everybody on the farm crept out a little further as the snow receded. The piglets played (still inside the barn though) and the chickens took dust baths in the sunniest spots. Working on the farm is much more joyful when the animals are obviously happier.

These girls have gotten comfortable in the barn while they were on snowcation. They usually live in their mobile chicken coops so that they can free range around the farm with a home base. With the frigid weather, though, it was more comfortable for them in the barn which is not chicken proofed, meaning it's full of things that they can roost on and, inevitable, poop on. These three ladies are enjoying the view from the tractor - at least for another day.

Speaking of chickens, our hatchery chicks are growing up. This sweet little Barred Rock pullet (young female chicken) is pretty calm for a baby. They've got another month inside the barn before they are ready to head to their outdoor area. They need to have all their feathers so they can maintain their body temperature before they leave the comfort of their heat lamp. They're already planning their escape though - flapping their little wings up on to the top of their waterers and taking tiny test flights. Hens start to lay eggs at around 26 weeks so they have lots of growing to do during the next several months. Grow little one!

And of course these guys. Everyone is doing well and already snoofing around in their hay pile. It's a cozy spot they have in the barn. They'll miss out on the snow - lucky pigs!

Hope your Mondays are great and that you have your own warm hay pile to cozy up in. Best - HP

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