What a beautiful day here! Over 70 degrees here today. Lovely sunshine. Everybody was frolicking.

Aaron came out today for some pig times. I made him hold the chicken for the picture, but the rest of it was all him, feeding some leftover pecans to the piggles, buying their love. It's fine - I'll see those little ones tomorrow with scrambled eggs in tow.

The chickens are taking full advantage of this week-of-spring and having some salads they have been missing. The feeder pigs got a new, less muddy pasture today. The chicken in front is a blue copper Marans, a real looker that we hatched here on the farm.
One of the farmers I follow on Instagram does a Fluffy Butt Friday picture post. This is almost our fluffiest butt, but I think we can do better...Wyandottes here I come!
Piglets are good and the next two pregnant girls are looking plump. Spring is coming! Best - HP