Hey all! Happy Monday to you all! After a beautiful weekend and a lot of stuff checked off the list, this Monday was super productive and sunshiney. We're extending the farm further back into our acreage so we can put more fresh pastures into rotation. Which means more water lines and fence. Water - check.
And the geese are hatching!!
Three pips so far and 1 little guy out so far. It looks like the little guys has a Covid bleach blond grow out going on. Lots and lots of cheeping too.
We'll give everybody another 24 hours to hatch and then off to the brooder or, as I think of it, the chick spa.
Egg production is up for sure. We had almost 90 eggs today from the hard-working girls.
Piglets are still growing quick quick. I looked at the calendar today and we're about to have 3 litters at about the same time - all GOS moms. Lots of little spots!
Hope you are all off to a good start this week. More baby geese tomorrow! Best - HP