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Writer's pictureHolly

Porch Swing Farm Day 7/18

Greeting farm friends! Happy Sunday to you! It rained here off and on all morning, and we couldn't have been happier. We were in need and, while I'm no fan of the mud, some of my good friends (all pigs) love it. With the temperatures up in the 90's for the past few weeks, we'd been filling wallows for the piggles and hosing them down in the heat of the afternoon. But the rain helps everything - the pigs, the pastures, the whole farm.

Maybelline, Lizzie and Mary have been enjoying rooting up this patch of earth very much. Here they are asking very politely for their breakfast.

One of the perks of the farmers markets that we've been selling at is that we get a lot of produce fresh from the other farmers, and the chickens get their fair share of it. Watermelon rinds are the favorite of the chickens, and they will peck at the rinds until they are just a green husk. This is a group of white Plymouth Rocks, barred Plymouth Rocks, buff Orpingtons, one red sex link and our new black copper Marans roster.

And the geese! Here's one of the pretty babies, a Sebastopol teenager. They're really starting to show off their fluffy feathers. They are smaller than our other geese, with shorter necks. They are also quieter which is a tremendous blessing.

And last but not least - the barn kittens. Much like the dogs, the cats sleep a great chunk of time napping. BUT! They often work the night shift so it makes perfect sense. And this week we received our first gift of a deceased mouse. Well done working cats! Sweet Alfa is sleeping off the exertion.

Hope your week is great and full of joy. See you at the market we hope! Best, Holly.

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